
Technology Solutions Pvt Ltd

Technology Solutions

FBC based Hot Gas Generators


Hot gas generators are usually in use when drying raw materials such as ore, limestone, phosphates, gypsum or coal, in order to reduce the moisture for the further production or refinement of products.

Today with increasing fuel costs and setting up individual circuit of different fuel such as diesel oil, pulverised coal, BF gas or any other oil or gas becomes very expensive and some fuel requires inertisation in grinding unit, some requires oil heating unit.

In order to avoid the capital expense Mecore Technology Solution has developed a Fluidised Bed Combustion (FBC) based Hot Gas Generator for solid fuels. Unlike other HGG, FBC based HGGs are able to fire much larger particle size of coal/ solid fuels (less than 12mm).

Fluidised bed Hot air generators however, have lower combustion efficiency, as compared to their Pulverised Coal fired counterparts. The FBC combustor consists of a refractory lined furnace, ash settler, mixing zone for dilution air, Coal bunker with Screw feeder etc.

The crushed coal along with an inert medium is fluidised on a bed of air and is combusted in refractory lined furnace to generate the required heat output and then mixed with Dilution air stream so as to give the required temperature and quantity of hot gases.

The system is provided with combustion cum Fluidization air fan with necessary damper. A separate dilution air fan with damper is provided for the dilution of the Hot Gases produced through the fluidised bed combustion. In addition to crushed coal, Fluidised bed hot gas generators are also suitable for dry particulate fuels like rice husk, agro-waste, RDF pellets etc.

FBC based hot gas generators (HGG) are a very attractive alternative to oil and gas-fired HGG’s. The fuel cost savings are so high, that it pays off to invest in this proven technology. 


Easy startup and shutdown
Low nox
Multiple waste can used as fuel such as Wood Wastes (Bar, Chips, Saw Dust etc., Agriculture wastes (Husks, Ground nut shell, Cotton Stack etc.,), Lignite / Coal / Solid waste


Low cost
Minimum maintenance
Easy operation
Vast variety of fuel
Low emission
High combustion efficiency


Cement plant
Paper mill
Steel companies
Mineral drying plants
Coal grinding plants
Ceramics Industries
Chemicals Industries
Rubber Industries
Food Processing Unit
Paper & Pulp Industries
Textile Processing Unit
Various Dryers
